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Full Version: Rounded Corners Problem
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I have a problem with the rounded corners, I followed THIS tutorial. It really helped me, but some corners are a bit messed up.


Quote:Here: In private messages, the top corners.

Quote:Here: In the userCP on the left menu.

Quote:Here: If I click on someones name, which takes me to his profile.

I am really grateful if anyone knows how to fix this.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
1. You need to move whatever class is rounding the bottom left corner of that white box from the right DIV to the one on the left.

2. Add some classes to round the top right/left corners of that user div. Honestly, I think it looks better without those corners rounded at all.

3. Remove the class that is rounding the bottom-left corner

4. Add the class that rounds the top right/left corner of that div

With the scattered amount of issues that this appears in, it might be that your version of mybb wasn't quite compatible with the guide. Also, you may have missed a semicolon in the CSS somewhere or possibly a tag in HTML. Either way, just 4xCheck that you did the guide exactly as they did and see if you can find any errors.
Thank you very much for your help, but I am a Noob and I hope that someone can tell me exactly what I have to do. Does anyone know this?

No one of the support theme, knows how this works? Or why is no one helping?