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Lately I am pretty bored, I want to earn some money, but I want to earn them through Bitcoins.

I am not exactly a great coder, I am not good as a programmer for hire, because my coding skills are below average, to the point where a simple C/C++ exercise for newbies may prove challenging(50% lazyness, 100% ADHD = 150% Big Grin ).

Last year I wanted to create a non-general purpose video encoder to automate some processes for me, but the x264 source code proved too difficult, I later wanted to do game programming, but in C so I downloaded a 2d game example using SDL and a tile-based map, I had around 1% success when I gave up, it was too hard.
Fast forward to this year and I wanted to create a Bitcoin pool, but my lacking in C, I was unable to implement the stratum protocol in this ready-to-use pool software in C(may I remind you guys I have ADHD). I then wanted to create a Feathercoin dice game, but somebody beat me to it, and it turned out to be pretty unsuccessful.
I finally turned to gambling with very small amounts, and what you are probably thinking, it happened, the house always wins. I lost in total about 2.15 bitcoins which I am trying to recover by mining, but I am looking at a solid few months(probably a year) before any of that happens.

A real job? Well, this is just me, but I am not the type to work physically, I much prefer the flexibility of working on a computer and being your own boss, coding a bit, watching a few movies, resuming coding and so on.

I only ever released one Bitcoin-related program and it was for Android, it was free and open source, but nobody donated a single dime, and it's been out for nearly a year.

To sum it up, I don't want to work physically, I am not a good programmer, I am by far the most uncreative person and I suck at HTML even more so with CSS(pertaining web design). Suggestions?
Honestly, bitcoins aren't the only way to earn money in the online world, so it's worth giving a serious consideration to the other options out there as well. Of course that should not hold you back from what you really want to do, but you should consider alternatives as well, since you might be great at something you never knew you were great at until you tried it out.

If you feel that a lack of creativity is holding you back from pursuing a lot of HTML and CSS related work, I can say from experience that anyone can learn to be a great web designer. My first website was made seven years ago. It was the worst eyesore mankind had ever seen, and it was a disgrace that it was ever online. Nowadays I have worked on themes or worked as a technition for several websites and am frequently asked for advice regarding various technical and sometimes theme and design related issues. I still consider myself a learning student of the art, but the point is that with determination and dedication, you can learn to be great at anything.

So, speaking from experience, I would just recommend that you keep trying. A failed first attempt is not a failure unless you give up and never try again.
It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up. You're going to make mistakes -- I've made mistakes and I can guarantee you that if you picked 100 random members from this forum, 101 of them would have made a mistake at some point.

If you're interested in programming, I would recommend you check out some websites about it. w3schools and codecademy are good places to start. If you want to make money off it, take a look at the source of some popular websites to see how they are structured. Design some basic ones and take a look at CSS Frameworks and resets such as inuit.css, normalize.css, and twitter Bootstrap.

Most of all, be creative and have fun. Smile
My coding skills do suck, but for instance thanks to Bitcoin I was able to create a program in C to monitor my VRM temps by mapping physical memory to userspace and doing I2C queries. I admit I used a library to map memory and re-used code that did the i2c transfers for my 5850 and 5870, but still I did it.

And while Bitcoin isn't the only thing around, I have a strong gut feeling it's what I need to work with.