MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: [SOLVED] Something is wrong with our forum
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(2013-08-13, 03:32 PM)Fábio Maia Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-08-13, 03:20 PM)schnappi Wrote: [ -> ]However what I don't like is this board settings where one can't post a reply in a new post (it attaches to my prior post) until someone else posts.

You can change that. Go to Admin CP > Configuration > Settings > Posting > Post Merge Time. Set it to 0 and save.

I meant this board as in here at the MyBB Community Forum. I changed it long ago on our board. Thanks though.

And our host graciously resolved the issue. No idea what actually happened though. Most like something to do with the fact that in the end we are still on an apache virtual host on the server.

And since I am here I had a few other much less urgent MyBB issues. Does anyone know how long private message remain in the MyBB trash bin? Do they automatically purge at any point?
^ in general, private messages do not purge even if they are in trash bin or member runs out of the allotted space
(2013-08-13, 04:15 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]^ in general, private messages do not purge even if they are in trash bin or member runs out of the allotted space

Good to know. I think it would be cool to at least have a settings to purge to trash bin after "x" number of days in a future release (not that it is a big deal either way).

Next issue is some residual plugins I have been meaning to get rid of. You can see screenshots below with the plugins I want to remove:

[Image: 28ici8k.jpg]

[Image: w7204x.jpg]
To delete the settings: Go to ACP>Configuration>Settings>Modify Settings>SETTING NAME>Options>Delete Settings

To remove the plugin: Delete the plugin file from .inc/plugins and if you want then remove all the other plugin files provided by the plugin such as language files, etc.
(2013-08-13, 05:10 PM)Arbaz Wrote: [ -> ]To delete the settings: Go to ACP>Configuration>Settings>Modify Settings>SETTING NAME>Options>Delete Settings

To remove the plugin: Delete the plugin file from .inc/plugins and if you want then remove all the other plugin files provided by the plugin such as language files, etc.

Thank you. I was able to remove all plugins as well the corresponding settings.
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