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Full Version: Subforums list
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Hello i am trying to follow this tutorial ( and accomplish getting this to happen:

[Image: 1212096066_altforum.png]

but after following all the steps i can only manage to get it to do this:

[Image: 0e4bab757c0687c1621bc75d50ec3a1c.png]

I have even tried changing the Css attribute to

.forumlar {list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;
.forumlar li {width: 50%; float: left;

and changed the html in the subforum templates to

<br />{$lang->subforums}<br /><ul class="forumlar">{$sub_forums}</ul>

But i still cant get this tutorial it work.
I am modifying a design and wanting this as one of the features in the design.

Go to ACP>Configuration>Settings>Forum Home Options>Subforums to show on Index listing

Change the number to the amount of forums you want to display. I normally set it to 10 but it depends on how many sub-forums you will have on your forum for a parent forum.
go to acp, then configuration. On the left site select settings. Then on the right sight Forum Home Options. Then look at "Subforums to show on Index listing" and fill in 100.
Thank you very much guys Big Grin

This is the fastest support i have ever gotten here Big Grin