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Full Version: hideuntil post quick reply doesn't refresh page
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So I downloaded the hideunstill post plugin from here

I did all the edits that people posted

its in prototype.js?ver=1603:5597

POST http://<snipped out>/newreply.php?ajax=1 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) prototype.js?ver=1603:1528
Ajax.Request.Class.create.request prototype.js?ver=1603:1528
Ajax.Request.Class.create.initialize prototype.js?ver=1603:1493
(anonymous function) prototype.js?ver=1603:408
klass prototype.js?ver=1603:80
Thread.quickReply thread.js?ver=1603:322
(anonymous function) prototype.js?ver=1603:378

The issue I'm faced with now is when you use the quick reply it doesnt refresh. So I'm looking at the console and when I hit quick reply this error comes up

edited version
* Author: Sergio Montoya
* Copyright: © 2010 Sergio Montoya
* Website:
    die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
// Parse messages
$plugins->add_hook("postbit", "hideUntilPost_clear");
$plugins->add_hook("parse_message", "hideUntilPost_code");
// Detect if first reply to post and refresh page
$plugins->add_hook('newreply_do_newreply_end', 'hideUntilPost_donewreply');
// filter quoted messages for tags that user should not see
$plugins->add_hook('newreply_end', 'hideUntilPost_newreply');
// filter fast reply quoted messages
$plugins->add_hook('xmlhttp', 'hideUntilPost_xmlhttp');

function hideUntilPost_info()
    return array(
        "name"          => "Links and Attachments lock until post",
        "title"         => "Links and Attachments lock until post",
        "description"   => "Will hide all links on posts and remove the attachment box if user has not replied to the thread.",
        "website"       => "",
        "author"        => "Sergio Montoya",
        "authorsite"    => "",
        "version"       => "1.2",
        "guid"          => "078dd70346382c953996ebfc3e8edcc7",
        "compatibility" => "14*,16*"
function hideUntilPost_install()
	// Creating plugin settings
	global $db;
	$group = array(
		"name"			=> "hideUntilPost_settings",
		"title" 		=> "Hides Links and Attachments until Post",
		"description"	=> "Hides Links and Attachments until Post a Post has been made on the thread.",
		"disporder"		=> "50",
		"isdefault"		=> "no",
	$db->insert_query("settinggroups", $group);
	$gid = intval($db->insert_id());
	$settings = array(
		"name"			=> "hideUntilPost_link_enabled",
		"title"			=> "Enable/Disable",
		"description"	=> "Hide links until post has been made?",
		"optionscode"	=> "yesno",
		"value"			=> "no",
		"disporder"		=> 1,
		"gid"			=> $gid,
        "name"			=> "hideUntilPost_lock_enabled",
        "title"			=> "Enable/Disable",
        "description"	=> "Enable lock bbcode? (Everything inside [lock]...[/lock] will be hiden until post is made)",
        "optionscode"	=> "yesno",
        "value"			=> "no",
        "disporder"		=> 2,
        "gid"			=> $gid,
        "name"			=> "hideUntilPost_attach_enabled",
        "title"			=> "Enable/Disable",
        "description"	=> "Hide attachments until post has been made?",
        "optionscode"	=> "yesno",
        "value"			=> "no",
        "disporder"		=> 3,
        "gid"			=> $gid,
        "name"			=> "hideUntilPost_gid_exclude",
        "title"			=> "Exclude Groups",
        "description"	=> "Enter the usergroups IDs separated by commas which this plugin should not apply. 0 = No usergroups excluded. (Still won\'t apply for mods and admins)",
        "optionscode"	=> "text",
        "value"			=> 0,
        "disporder"		=> 4,
        "gid"			=> $gid,
        "name"			=> "hideUntilPost_fid_exclude",
        "title"			=> "Exclude Forums",
        "description"	=> "Enter the forum IDs separated by commas which this plugin should not apply. 0 = Applies for all forums.",
        "optionscode"	=> "text",
        "value"			=> 0,
        "disporder"		=> 5,
        "gid"			=> $gid,
	foreach($settings as $setting)
		$db->insert_query("settings", $setting);
	// Create template
	$template = array(
		"tid"		=> NULL,
		"title"		=> "hideUntilPost_box",
		"template"	=> "<div style=\"background: #FFF7C0; text-align: left; margin-left: 15px; padding: 13px 20px 13px 45px; border-top: 2px solid #F7D229; border-bottom: 2px solid #F7D229; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;\">{\$msg}</div>",
		"sid"		=> "-1"
	$db->insert_query("templates", $template);
function hideUntilPost_is_installed()
	global $db;
	$query = $db->simple_select("templates", "tid", "title = 'hideUntilPost_box'");
		return true;
	return false;
function hideUntilPost_uninstall()
	global $db;
	$db->delete_query("templates","title = 'hideUntilPost_box'");
	$db->delete_query("settinggroups","name = 'hideUntilPost_settings'");
	$db->delete_query("settings","name LIKE 'hideUntilPost_%'");
function hideUntilPost_count($tid,$uid)
	global $db;
		// Saves in the cache the amount of posts the current user has on the thread
		static $posts = 0;
		$query = $db->simple_select("posts","COUNT(pid) AS posts","tid='{$tid}' AND uid = '{$uid}'");
		$posts = intval($db->fetch_field($query,"posts"));
	return $posts;
function hideUntilPost_validate($fid)
	global $mybb;
	// Check first by usergroups.
	if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_gid_exclude'] != 0)
		$groups = explode(",", $mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_gid_exclude']);
		if($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_gid_exclude'] == 0 || in_array($mybb->user['usergroup'], $groups))
			// Aww man, can't apply the script to the post.
			return false;
	// Usergroup not excluded, so far so good. What about the forum?
	if($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_fid_exclude'] != 0)
		$fids = explode(",", $mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_fid_exclude']);
		if($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_fid_exclude'] == 0 || in_array($fid, $fids))
			// Aww man, can't apply the script to the post.
			return false;
	// Too bad... hiding content :)
	return true;
function hideUntilPost_filter(&$msg,$fid,$tid)
	global $mybb;
	if(!hideUntilPost_count($tid,$mybb->user['uid']) && hideUntilPost_validate($fid))
			$msg = preg_replace("#(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)#is",'',$msg);
			$msg = preg_replace("#\[lock\](.*)\[/lock\]#is",'',$msg);
			return $msg;
function hideUntilPost_code(&$message) {
	global $mybb,$lang,$templates,$thread;
	// Will run only if it's being called from newthread.php.
	if((THIS_SCRIPT == "showthread.php" || THIS_SCRIPT == "newreply.php") && ($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_link_enabled'] || $mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_lock_enabled']) && hideUntilPost_validate($thread['fid']) && !is_moderator($thread['fid']))
				// Hides links
				$msg = $lang->hideUntilPost_link;
				eval("\$box = \"".$templates->get("hideUntilPost_box",1,0)."\";");
				$message = preg_replace("#<a[^>]*(http|www)(.*)</a>#siU",$box,$message);
				// Hides lock bbcode content
				$msg = $lang->hideUntilPost_lock;
				eval("\$box = \"".$templates->get("hideUntilPost_box",1,0)."\";");
				$message = preg_replace("#\[lock\](.*)\[/lock\]#is",$box,$message);
			$done = true;
		// Parse this one more time. Only mods and admins can see the bbcode.
		$message = preg_replace("#\[lock\](.*)\[/lock\]#is",'$1',$message);
		return $message;
function hideUntilPost_clear(&$post)
	global $mybb,$lang,$attachcache,$templates;
	if($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_attach_enabled'] && is_array($attachcache[$post['pid']]) && $mybb->user['uid'] != $post['uid'] && !is_moderator($post['fid']) && hideUntilPost_validate($post['fid']))
			$msg = $lang->hideUntilPost_attach;
			eval("\$post['attachments'] = \"".$templates->get("hideUntilPost_box",1,0)."\";");
			return $post;
function hideUntilPost_newreply()
	global $message,$mybb;
// After a quick reply, decide to refresh the page or not.
function hideUntilPost_donewreply()
	global $db,$mybb,$thread;
	$redirect = true;
	// What has to be done to refresh the page automatically... A huge amount of validation :(
	if($mybb->input['ajax'] && !is_moderator($thread['fid']) && hideUntilPost_validate($thread['fid']))
		if(hideUntilPost_count($thread['tid'],$mybb->user['uid']) === 1)
			if($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_attach_enabled'] && $thread['attachmentcount'] > 0)
				$redirect = true; //Cmon, attach on first post. Obvious redirect.
				// There's no attachment, but what about links and lock bbcode on first post?
				$options = array(
				"orderby"	=>	"dateline",
				"limit"		=>	array(
					"limit"	=>	"1",
					"start"	=>	"0"
				$query = $db->simple_select("posts","message","tid = '{$thread['tid']}'",$options);
				$message = $db->fetch_field($query,"message");
				if($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_lock_enabled'] && preg_match("#\[lock\](.*)\[/lock\]#is",$msg))
					$redirect = true; // We do have a lock bbcode on the first post. Refresh to enable!
				elseif($mybb->settings['hideUntilPost_link_enabled'] && preg_match("#<a[^>]*(http|www)(.*)</a>#siU",$msg))
					$redirect = true; // We do have a lock bbcode on the first post. Refresh to enable!
		redirect(get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "lastpost"));
// Filter quotes
function hideUntilPost_xmlhttp()
	global $mybb;
	if($mybb->input['action'] != 'get_multiquoted')
	function hideUntilPost_shutdown()
		global $message,$multiquoted,$db;
		$query = $db->query("SELECT tid,fid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts WHERE pid = '{$multiquoted[0]}' LIMIT 1");
		$addinfo = $db->fetch_array($query);
		echo $message;