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Full Version: Format word document with hyperlinks
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Is there a simply way to paste a WORD document into MyBB that so that hyperlinks will appear? The insert formatted code button does not achieve this objective.

Appreciate help.
"Insert formatted code" has nothing to do with hyperlinks. It's for plain text codes.

To copy&paste directly fom Word you need a WYSIWYG editor like this:
Thanks, saved to file OK. Upload to Maiahost file manager caused error when placed under plugins.
I will reread the instruction from Arbaz again. Will go slow so to avoid the problem on the RSS plugin.

OK, here are the steps from Arbaz

There shouldn't be any folder called incplugins. There should be a folder called inc and within that folder there should be a folder (sub-folder) called plugins thus the path is .inc/plugins.

Why don't you do this. Log in to your file manager and do the following:

1. Extract inc/plugins from the zip then in your file manager go to public_html/inc/plugins and upload rssfeedposter.php
2. Extract inc/tasks from the zip then in your file manager go to public_html/inc/tasks and upload rssfeedposter.php (The one you extracted from tasks)
3. Extract the English language files and upload them to the .inc/languages/english

Then go to ACP>Configuration>Plugins

Confirm 1 & 2 done. Problem is that I cannot find a location for /languages/ under the inc folder, English folder, Admin folder

That is the hangup. Please instruct where to find and upload the SAME php extracted file into the mysterious language location.

(2013-08-15, 12:53 PM)Destroy666 Wrote: [ -> ]"Insert formatted code" has nothing to do with hyperlinks. It's for plain text codes.

To copy&paste directly fom Word you need a WYSIWYG editor like this:

Attempt to upload the php file into inc - english - admin got message:

Quote:The file mybbirckeditor.php already exists on the server in the directory /home/forumbat/ It was last modified on Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:27:03 AM.
Do you want to continue your upload and overwrite it?

I did not overwrite.

Stumped. Did I complete the three point instructions? Appreciate setting me right.


(2013-08-15, 02:16 PM)batr Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, saved to file OK. Upload to Maiahost file manager caused error when placed under plugins.
I will reread the instruction from Arbaz again. Will go slow so to avoid the problem on the RSS plugin.

OK, here are the steps from Arbaz,

There shouldn't be any folder called incplugins. There should be a folder called inc and within that folder there should be a folder (sub-folder) called plugins thus the path is .inc/plugins.

Why don't you do this. Log in to your file manager and do the following:

1. Extract inc/plugins from the zip then in your file manager go to public_html/inc/plugins and upload rssfeedposter.php
2. Extract inc/tasks from the zip then in your file manager go to public_html/inc/tasks and upload rssfeedposter.php (The one you extracted from tasks)
3. Extract the English language files and upload them to the .inc/languages/english

Then go to ACP>Configuration>Plugins

Confirm 1 & 2 done. Problem is that I cannot find a location for /languages/ under the inc folder, English folder, Admin folder

That is the hangup. Please instruct where to find and upload the SAME php extracted file into the mysterious language location.

(2013-08-15, 12:53 PM)Destroy666 Wrote: [ -> ]"Insert formatted code" has nothing to do with hyperlinks. It's for plain text codes.

To copy&paste directly fom Word you need a WYSIWYG editor like this: