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Full Version: logo/header is not centrated.
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Basicly, I just added my logo onto a mybb forum that I'm messing with on my computer (localhost). Anyways, I can't get my logo to be centrated.

I understand there is some coding involved in global.css

This is how it is currently.

.logo {
text-align: center;
margin: 0;

What do I need to add for the logo to be in the center, now I mean center from the up and down.

This is how it looks.

[Image: b07efa89f5fc158f1bf755568d92254f.png]

No, the image is not bigger on the bottom so when it centrates it's not in the center.

I also wonder why there is a button called "Home", when I downloaded the Swedish Language pack?

Thank you.
you can try removing margin: 0; and adding vertical-align: middle; for the logo class in global.css
hard refresh your browser (eg. press CTRL + F5) after doing changes in css style
.logo {
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;


This is how it looks currently, no changes.
^ you can remove vertical-align: middle; for .logo and try adding below style code at the bottom of global.css
.logo img {vertical-align: middle;} or .logo img {margin: auto auto;}