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Full Version: Custom icon issue
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How come theres 1 icon that doesnt show? (Handleidingen - Tips & Tricks)
Im sure ive done it correctly, just like the others ones on the index page.
I see an icon by the forum you mentioned above. The icon is the following:

[Image: on.gif]


Yes, but that is not the one that its suppost to be.
Thats the one that has to be replaced.
What are you using to change the icons? Like what tutorial or plugin.


I icon I posted above seems to be the default icon (on.png). I think that the image you are uploading has the incorrect path.


Weird because it should be correct.

This is the css for that specific icon.

.forum-handleidingen-tips-tricks {
background: url(images/handleidingen-icon.png) no-repeat;

Are you sure your site is using the default images directory and not any custom theme folder? Such as ./images/THEMENAME


All the images for those icons are in the same folder. I uploaded them all at once in the same folder so it can't be wrong.

Well, I just replaced the off.gif to the icon I wanted it to be. Instead of using the same methode as the rest of the forums.

This is solved now. Thhx for the help, Arbaz!