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just checked that my sites are showing errors:

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1030 - Got error 122 from storage engine
SELECT * FROM mybb_myadvertisements_advertisements WHERE zone=1 AND (expire>1377436065 OR unlimited=1) ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1

why these errors are coming? please help.
Installed some new addons?
no new add-ons installed, have just move my forum to new domain flight-forum and now these are showing.......
Removed the DB with a back up? Updated the config file?
You'll need to contact your host, the database server has a disk space issue.
ok have contacted them, they are saying about following folders:

You can check the disk usage below.

0 /
0 /aquota.user
5.2M /bin
4.0K /boot
4.0K /dev
8.2M /etc
188M /home
13M /lib
21M /lib64
4.0K /media
4.0K /mnt
12M /opt
0 /proc
720M /root
26M /sbin
4.0K /selinux
4.0K /srv
0 /sys
18M /tmp
1.4G /usr
29G /var
31G total

/var occupies 29 GB data which has backups and the domain contents.

Shall i remove this /var folder which is using 29GB space,...?
Please help me.
No don't just remove the folder because that's where all your actual files will be. Just find things you need to delete, like old backups.
i have logged into via putty and now i am not able to find where these /var folder is on the host?
Very confused....

One dumps folders have big backups (above 1gb)from this site, shall i remove them?
I wouldn't suggest doing anything in SSH if you don't know what you're doing. Is there no backup management tool you have to view and delete backups?
Ok thanks matt,

I have removed some 15gb backups from plesk dumps folder and now site is working fine and plesk is showing 50% free space. Thank god.