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Hi guys could you tell me please what time should have on
Should this be UTC +/- what? I live in Spain so should I set it to Madrid time zone? My server stats:
Quote:Server Properties

Find out the details about the computing infrastructure which powers , e.g. where the servers are located, which software is used to serve the website and which hosting service is used by the website.
70 Blanchard Road, Burlington, US
United States
Web host:
The Endurance International Group, Inc.

Location of servers
You can set it to Eastern timing (US & Canada), there's where I believe you will get the most active members from.
But does this function even matter? User will have to use UCP to change "Date and Time Options" anyways!
Time doesn't matter but it's recommended to use the US date format which is M-D-Y
(2013-09-03, 09:33 PM)Arbaz Wrote: [ -> ]Time doesn't matter but it's recommended to use the US date format which is M-D-Y

why ?
I had a friend few weeks ago who had issues with Google. Google was caching his webpages incorrectly. It was treating D-M-Y as M-D-Y which was kind of an issue. There's nothing to worry about but if you care about the right date on Google caches then yeah you can take that under consideration.