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Full Version: Invalid administration session
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I tried to install an advertisement mod
Mistakenly, I dragged it into /admin folder
The folders for that plugin were

And I deleted, them then
As I have moved to new domain, so was having a backup, so i re uploaded those folders from the backup.

I cant login to admincp
I get error whenever i click something
[b][color=#FF0000]Invalid administration session[/color][/b]
have you deleted those subfolders completely or the contents of the plugin ? if you have removed the subfolders
then can you re-upload them from your files backup. admin folder also consists of a inc folder & a jscripts folder.
In the 1st post, I did as you said. I mean did them already and re-uploaded
But this error is coming now
^ oh, okay. can you clear your browser cookies and try again. can we have your forum url.
yes its
and cleared them Wink

still !
^ hmm., I can't visit your forum. may be visitors from certain places have no access.