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Full Version: Fix width of postbit user area
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Ok... now it works, but not for all members.
90% of members have fixed postbit but the members with long username has a bit more long posbit.

damn "

Do you know how to reduce username font size?
though you can decrease font size for the user name (ref.) , I'd suggest to increase the width for the table cell.
may be 350px should suffice. also maximum number of characters for user name can be also reduced to 20
The fact is that with smalltext the problem is solved without create problems inside forum. The text is visible and readable at 100% Smile Now all members has the same width in postbit.
Thank you both guys Smile

REP +++++
Yes but that apply to all users xD.

If you want to show only to another users have to add a new var inside your showthread.php file.

Search this:


And put a conditional value like:
if(my_strlen($post['profilelink']) > 15)
   $lastpost_subject = my_substr($post['profilelink'], 0, 15)."...";
Wait wait wait...
I just did "smalltext" in postbit_classic and it works with all users. It's a modify that is applied automatically to the entire forum. Why should I make this var?
Pages: 1 2