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Full Version: MyBB SQL Error - Red Message, help please
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my forum dont work.

this is the error message,
what is??

[Image: 7842e19b860492541c3b5db9ee696faf.png]

Why is there a single quote (') in your session id?
i view the thread and the profile of user. but the index not work.. why??


I had not noticed, but the home page if I upgrade, has other errors:

[Image: 082a432fb6cf948032f107fcbbf11b7a.png]
[Image: 794ea04de9a33151b1e81f46b549d0fd.png]
[Image: dd08f764861f2a1720dfc1a552a01e7a.png]
[Image: 6d7b861a08a84557847ddc85b4dabbca.png]
