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Full Version: Slow Motion forum?
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Why is my forum being so slow, I asked a friend to go on the forum and it is the same for him. My theme that I am using is very slow and when I change to the default theme you get when you start the forum it is a little bit faster but still slow.

Can someone help me with this?
Must be your hosting then.
What host are you using? Unless you are using a lot of poorly coded plugins, it probably doesn't have much to do with your installation of MyBB because MyBB is not known to make use of hundrends of SQL queries, etc... on each page.
Speak with your host and inform them of your problem, they should be able to help you out!
I don't think there is a problem with the host cause it worked totally fine in the beginning.
And it doesn't look like I am using much:

Generated in 0.0464091 seconds (65.96% PHP / 34.04% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 9 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0332041 / Memory Usage: 15.5 MB
PHP version: 5.3.24 / Server Load: 1.88 / GZip Compression: Disabled

I am using the host 3owl

(2013-09-21, 12:45 PM)Endure Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think there is a problem with the host cause it worked totally fine in the beginning.
You gave an answer to yourself. Smile

It's your hosting problem most likely. Unless you installed a bunch of resource hog plugins since then.
Alright Big Grin Yeah I don't have any plugins installed yet only thanks system. But I will check and see.