When I click on Subscribe to this thread it says "Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again."
What is wrong?
You need to update your templates. You're using a theme created for an older version of MyBB.
(2013-09-22, 08:54 PM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]You need to update your templates. You're using a theme created for an older version of MyBB.
What should I do to fix that? I am using apart twilight
If you manually update the theme there won't be any issue. It's your only option.
(2013-09-22, 09:01 PM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]If you manually update the theme there won't be any issue. It's your only option.
OK how to manually update it please help me which template should I fix?
This is the code I have
<li class="subscription_{$add_remove_subscription}"><a href="usercp2.php?action={$add_remove_subscription}subscription&tid={$tid}">{$add_remove_subscription_text}</a></li>
Should i replace it with this one?
<li class="subscription_{$add_remove_subscription}"><a href="usercp2.php?action={$add_remove_subscription}subscription&tid={$tid}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}">{$add_remove_subscription_text}</a></li>
Thanks very much
Now there is another thing I shows {mysupport_nav_option}
Did you deactivate the mysupport plugin?