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Full Version: MySQL: Move "userfields" to "users"?
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Is there a possibility that I can use the "forum_userfields"-table to "forum_users"?

Because I would like to use the forum in connection to a minecraft-server.
For the whitelist it wouldn't be a problem. I would simply use the userfields-table.

BUT!: now I wanna try to merge newpoints with my ingame-economy-system. So if a player kills a Sceleton, he will get a few newpoints and if he makes a post he will get a few newpoints - and for those newpoints he could for example buy a plot in an inGame-Town.
Now I would have the problem that peoples usernames are not their minecraft-names. They write their minecraft-names into a custom-profile-field, which is in the userfields-table, while their forum-login is in the users-table, same as the newpoints-value.

Do you guys (and ladies, of course! Wink ) have any ideas for solutions?

I have to say I am not able to code - neither java nor php/mysql - otherwise I would do that. I dont even have the mc-server setup yet since I am moving to college (where I will learn java and some more stuff!) in a few days and dont have the time for it. But I have the time for some thoughts and ideas, so I would appreciate some thoughts and opinions. Wink

thank thee!