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Full Version: IE 10 quick reply problem after Xthreads instalation!
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I have never had this problem but today I have installed xthread and I have IE 10 problem.
The gif just stays there forever and message doesn't get removed from quick reply form

Just tested deactivating xthreads removed the problem. But how to fix the problem with Xthreads?
Go to ACP>Templates & Styles>Templates>YOUR THEME>Showthread Template>Showthread_quickreply

Find and Remove:


Looks like a default setting and not made by Xthreads
(2013-10-04, 06:51 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]id="quick_reply_form"

Looks like a default setting and not made by Xthreads

just try it ... I have used xthreads quite a lot ... if the template is not 100% you can get some odd results. However I do not like the IE browser, it does not adhere to standards very well and always causes you to write css rules to satisfy IE users where the page appears broken in IE. There are many documents covering bugs in IE (non compliant with standards) and supplying fixes .... without the template code to view this may be just another IE bug
How can I unlink Xthreads from quick reply form?
The loading message had nothing to do with Xthreads. The loading message is known for causing issues with or without the Xthreads plugin. The only code to call for the loading message is given to you above.
But the problem is when I use Xthreads with IE10 I have this problem but when I disable Xthreads it works OK. And yes Xthreads uses that quick reply form for noreplies function!
Removing id="quick_reply_form" should solve the problem permanently but if you want a fix with the xthreads issue only then post the contents of showthread_quickreply and headerinclude template.
(2013-10-04, 07:38 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]But the problem is when I use Xthreads with IE10 I have this problem but when I disable Xthreads it works OK. And yes Xthreads uses that quick reply form for noreplies function!

you have a mistake with the template .... as IE is non compliant to W3C standards (see post above) If the site displays using another browser (non IE) it is down to Microshit's naff browser, however if the problem still occurs using firefox, opera or chrome please post the template contents or give a link to the problem
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<br />
<form method="post" action="newreply.php?tid={$tid}&amp;processed=1" name="quick_reply_form"><!-- id="quick_reply_form" -->
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							{$lang->quickreply_multiquote_selected} <a href="./newreply.php?tid={$tid}&amp;load_all_quotes=1" onclick="return Thread.loadMultiQuoted();">{$lang->quickreply_multiquote_now}</a> {$lang->or} <a href="javascript:Thread.clearMultiQuoted();">{$lang->quickreply_multiquote_deselect}</a>.
				<td colspan="2" align="center" class="tfoot"><input type="submit" class="button" value="{$lang->post_reply}" tabindex="2" accesskey="s" id="quick_reply_submit" /> <input type="submit" class="button" name="previewpost" value="{$lang->preview_post}" tabindex="3" /></td>

It's only with IE10
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