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Full Version: Remove post buttons?
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Hello, how do i remove those buttons:?

[Image: af715704719592d791dd3f3ec8ba6363.png]

I'm using basscode theme.


Thank you. Cool
admin panel >> templates >> basscode templates >> Post Bit templates --> both postbit and postbit_classic templates

you can find required buttons codes and remove them

{$post['button_email']} <-- email the user
{$post['button_pm']} <-- send private message
{$post['button_www']} <-- home page of the user
{$post['button_find']} <-- find all posts by the user
<span class="rep_{$fid}">{$post['button_rep']}</span> <-- add REP for the post
(2013-10-21, 08:23 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]admin panel >> templates >> basscode templates >> Post Bit templates --> both postbit and postbit_classic templates

you can find required buttons codes and remove theme

{$post['button_email']} <-- email the user
{$post['button_pm']} <-- send private message
{$post['button_www']} <-- home page of the user
{$post['button_find']} <-- find all posts by the user
<span class="rep_{$fid}">{$post['button_rep']}</span> <-- add REP for the post

Thank you! =)