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Full Version: These kitchen spammers are getting old..
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(2013-10-24, 01:35 AM)TaylorCTU Wrote: [ -> ]I personally like the kitchen posts. It really spices the joint up. Waiting for one to post up some counter tops and decent back splash tiles. I think these guys specialize in appliances though...
Haha. Yeah, I'll come here next time I need a microwave.
Just to update this, can't this plugin be utilized? My site gets these annoying carding spammers, and once I installed this it stopped them 100%. Since the spammers I get (like the ones here) only post one thread, I edited the plugin to only check users under 1 post (reducing queries, and any false positives), it's great. It gives users a friendly post rejection method if one of the words used in the post/thread they are trying to post is on the block list for the plugin. As I said above, "kitchen" has never been used in MyBB in a legitimate way. No one even makes kitchen forums, as you can see here.
(2013-11-09, 03:42 AM)Rymax99 Wrote: [ -> ]No one even makes kitchen forums, as you can see here.


(2013-11-09, 03:42 AM)Rymax99 Wrote: [ -> ]Just to update this, can't this plugin be utilized? My site gets these annoying carding spammers, and once I installed this it stopped them 100%. Since the spammers I get (like the ones here) only post one thread, I edited the plugin to only check users under 1 post (reducing queries, and any false positives), it's great. It gives users a friendly post rejection method if one of the words used in the post/thread they are trying to post is on the block list for the plugin. As I said above, "kitchen" has never been used in MyBB in a legitimate way. No one even makes kitchen forums, as you can see here.

Anything that adds to the UI/UX here will likely be rejected unless it has a definite purpose related to the overall purpose of the forum.

For instance, ask for a shoutbox to be installed, the likely response is "this is a support forum and therefore a shoutbox will not be included". Ask for an automatic bot to respond to support posts not supplying a link to a forum and it may be approved. This is why MySupport was added, it simplified the job of MyBB's Support Team significantly.

An anti spam plugin would be nice but probably won't be installed. Smile
We typically clean up after kitchen spammers pretty quickly but they do leave lots of dirty dishes behind. Sometimes it's a few hours, depending on time zone, until someone is home to do them.

It isn't a major problem, at least, not as bad as it used to be.
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