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Full Version: Remove Gap Above Header Welcomeblock
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Hey guys,

I'm having a small problem with the header of my site. There is a gap that appears at the top above the welcome block. It is fine in the index page and only appears when I'm viewing a thread, which looks like this:

[Image: ac68dfe14d.png]

What's odd is that it doesn't appear on the index page or when I'm using Firefox, it only happens in Chrome (and Internet Explorer). I have checked all the templates for any spacing issues... any idea? It's supposed to look like this:

[Image: dac4fc062f.png]

I am worried that it may have appeared due to an Announcement plugin that I have installed, but I have since uninstalled it and deleted the files from the FTP server. Could it have changed a template somewhere?


Never mind, restored old files and it's fixed.