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What would cause this in the photo below. The reply is clearly not 85 characters. First time this has happened

The reply's subject, try removing the "RE: "
That worked but why did I have to do that?
It's a strange bug with MyBB, that wasn't fixed completely yet as far as I remember.
Have you installed 1.6.11? It should be fixed with it.
Thanks for the help Kaeden.
Thats no good for users. How often does this happen?

(2013-10-25, 02:27 PM)King Louis Wrote: [ -> ]Have you installed 1.6.11? It should be fixed with it.

Not yet. If i try to do the upgrade ill have nothing but troubles doing it. A little to complicated for me.
It's fixed with 1.6.11, I've tested it again.
Thanks King but if I attempt to upgrade it will turn into a nightmare for me.
You should just read provided tutorials, and take backups before. There are lots of fixes in every version of MyBB. If you don't upgrade now, when larger upgrades (like 2.0 eventually) it will take much more time to upgrade, and you'll run into more issues.