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Full Version: Admin permissions?
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Alright well I want to add a admin to my site, but I do not want to give them permission to get access to the theme tab or the Tools & Maintainece tab in the admincp is there any way to restrict this access?
(2013-10-26, 03:29 AM)XeParwin Wrote: [ -> ]Alright well I want to add a admin to my site, but I do not want to give them permission to get access to the theme tab or the Tools & Maintainece tab in the admincp is there any way to restrict this access?
Hello, XeParwin.

Yes, there is a way to do this. Go to your admin control panel, click on the tab "users and groups" on the left hand side, click on "admin permissions", then you'll see the list of your administrators. You can edit their permissions from there. You should always remove the ability for them to backup your database as well.

Please note, that if you don't fully trust the person, you probably shouldn't give them ACP privileges. Other than that, you should be fine.