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Full Version: Width of trows from forumtables (CSS trow1)
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Check out the first picture, which is a forum from index.php
[Image: 524xr.png]

Now one from forumdisplay.php
[Image: 524uF.png]

So the CSS is a bother here for me. The lastpost_bit from index.php doesn't stretch to it's contents. The avatar is in a <span> before the text. I want them next to each other obviously, and the avatar should be floating to the left (so I use float:left;). But the smalltext span is being a blueberry, or maybe I should say, that it's the tablerow? Why doesn't this guy stretch it's borders to fit the two spans.

As you can see from forumdisplay.php, Mr. t_row does like to stretch it's borders here for the same two elements as in index.php (two spans). Oh and if I resize the browser window in forumdisplay.php, Mr. t_row likes to resize too and eventually displaying me this:
[Image: 524X1.png]
Why does it resize here? Because the last tablerow in index.php is always fixed.

Also the tablerow where the name of the forums are in:
[Image: 525aW.png]
..they do move along while resizing. What's up with that?

I removed the style="white-space: nowrap" property from the tablerow. This fixed the overflow of the span.

Still I'm wondering. What is deciding the width of the tablerows?
Why is this tablerow very wide?
[Image: 526fh.png]

Whereas this one so small:
[Image: 526ik.png]
for the index, please observe code used for table cells in forumbit_depth1_cat template

in general, table cell consisting of forum name has no fixed width (so it is easily flexible !) and other table cells have fixed widths
(2013-10-28, 07:06 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]for the index, please observe code used for table cells in forumbit_depth1_cat template

in general, table cell consisting of forum name has no fixed width (so it is easily flexible !) and other table cells have fixed widths

Ohh! Now I see:
[Image: 527xm.png]
So it's in the forumbit_depth1_cat template :')
So basically the first row of the table tells us how flexible the next rows are (unless they are overriden)?
^ yes. in general, second column cell of a table row is flexible and other have fixed widths (unless you change them)