MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Show 'New Thread' above threads instead of above sidebox
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I've tried putting in a table and limiting table width... Have also tried
<div class="float_right"; style="width:80%">
<div style="float:right;width:80%">
Nothing seems to affect it. I purge cloudflare and hard refresh. Have spent an hour on this already. Any ideas?
find code like below in forumdisplay_threadlist template of the theme
<div class="float_right">

change class="float_right" to class="move_right" in the above code and save the template
and you can add css style code like below at the bottom of global.css, save the style sheet
.move_right {position:relative; right:-60%;}

remember to hard refresh your browser on a forum display page to see the changes
Okay. That fixed it. Part of my problem is I was editing in threaddisplay instead of forumdisplay_threadlist