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Hello. I had trouble getting MyBB to work with my server.

MySQL 5.1 is that what MyBB requires? I only have MYSQL 5.0 on my hosting and PHP 4/5.

I got some strange MYSQL/PHP errors that it timed out or something, and when I asked my hosting support, they say that it seems like MyBB requires MYSQL 5.1, is that true?

I think the Requirements on the webpage is too unclear. It was hard for me to find it. I didn't find it.

So what are they?

Also how to turn on the MyBB Portal when I get it installed properly?

EDIT: I found the requirements here:

Still very unclear.
As the requirements state, MyBB requires MySQL 4.0 or greater. It works fine on MySQL 5.0 and 5.1 and those are the systems we currently run here and develop on.

If you could explain in detail when/how it is timing out then we can further assist you (ie, is it in the instaler or somewhere else?)

In regards to the portal, please see [Wiki: Portal] (Broken link, head over to instead) for the configuration.
Hi Chris.


Check out this thread:

The people here said I should talk with my host and I did.

Quote:MySQL error: 2013
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Query: DELETE FROM mb_sessions WHERE uid=0 AND time<='1165910705'


Quote:MySQL error: 2013
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Query: SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mb_sessions s LEFT JOIN mb_users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time>'1165996213' ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC


Quote:MySQL error: 2013
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Query: DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE uid=0 AND time<='1165911999'

The reply of my webhosting was that it could be that MyBB didn't support MYSQL 5.0 (as it apparently does).

The errors changed every time you refreshed the page.
Hmm, I have a server running MySQL 3 on which MyBB 1.2 is installed. Toungue
TheFox, are you running 1.2.2? Also try trimming your mybb_session's table. It should be automatically trimming by itself, so I don't know if that's the actual problem or not. If the above doesn't fix it, I find that web host support like to blame everybody but themselves until they've run out of excuses. We do definitely support MySQL 5 and 5.1 even in strict mode. This is a problem caused by your MySQL server. I'm not sure exactly what's causing it to go wrong, but it's definitely something on your web host's end.