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Full Version: How To Always Show Pagination With Only 1 Page?
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(2013-11-20, 04:06 PM)Dennis Tsang Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-11-20, 03:33 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried Destroy666 solution?

I'm pretty sure that won't work.

The easiest way would probably be to search for "per page" in board settings. You should see the settings for:
Threads Per Page
User Selectable Threads Per Page
Posts Per Page:
User Selectable Posts Per Page

You want to change those to something high, like 99999.

Then you want to reset everyone to use the default you just configured, by running this SQL query:
UPDATE mybb_users SET tpp=0, ppp=0

Be warned though, your pages will load significantly slower, especially on large forums or threads.

It's not something I'd recommend you want to do.

Isn't there a function that displays the pagination if there are more than 'x' amount of threads per page? Couldn't it be somehow modified to always show pagination, without making pages load significantly slower through core file edits?
^ tested the suggestion given in post #3 and it is working. what is the php error you are getting
(2013-11-21, 09:40 AM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]^ tested the suggestion given in post #3 and it is working. what is the php error you are getting

It gave me about 4 different php errors each time I reloaded the page.

Unbelievably, it worked after I loaded the page 5 times. No php errors. I cleared my cache, still working.

Thank you .m. and to Destroy666 for your kind help.

The pagination now has a down arrow image, and on hover another pagination menu appears. How would I remove that if I wanted to?

EDIT: Just for the future, why would it give me 4 different PHP errors and then finally work, and continue to work?

UPDATE: I used the plugin called 'Patches' to remove the code snippet rather than modify the core file, and it gave me no PHP errors after. Strange.
Pages: 1 2