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Full Version: Count posts using tht
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I have configured in certain forums so that posts do not count, but in the system I use it even detects the message, they told me with a query to the database would be fine, what I can do?

This consultation is to listen for messages created by the user, the database is not available, but something must be wrong with that code since it has the same message.

case "mybb":
				// Look up member
				$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$prefix}users` WHERE username = '{$fuser}'", $this->con);
				if($db->num_rows($result) == "0") {
					return 3;
				else {
					$member = mysql_fetch_array($result);
					if(md5(md5($member['salt']) . md5($fpass)) == $member['password']) {
						if($member['postnum'] >= $signup) {
							return 1;
						else {
							return 0;
					else {
						return 4;

I want to not have messages from certain forums, how do? thehostingtool use