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I've tried to upload a theme [downloaded from other website].
It says, that this template have an security issues and here's a question:

How to verify the templates to get all issues with this theme to fix it?
Thanks anyway for help.
what theme are you trying to install?
It isn't important, i want only to know how to verify a templates..
dude how do you expect someone to help you if you don't want to share such a basic info.

Share here your code then so that we can check its compatibility with MYBB
We can't suggest how to fix the template if we don't know what theme or template or actual code is causing the problem.
He's using a ripped IPB theme: with IPB copyright, that's why he didn't want to provide it.
How do you know what Destroy666? And "ripped IPB theme" means illegal?
Because he posted his site here: and used 2nd account to threaten to rip also theme on that site after calling everyone retarded:

Don't really know if the theme is ripped or reproduced, but IPB copyright in footer is illegal and of course not compliant with MyBB support rules.
Sun of a gun! Good job @Destroy666 he should be denied support for his words!