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Full Version: Can Login to Admin CP but Cannot Access Any Options
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Having an issue in my admin cp, and it doesn't seem to be the typical login/logoff issue.

I can login to my forum just fine, and then I can access the admin cp, but if I click on any of the options, "configuration" or "preferences," for instance, it cues another login.

If I enter the login info and submit though, nothing happens. Login box just sits there as is. I tried a false password to see if it would do the same thing and got an invalid password message, so I assume the correct one goes through. Just nothing happens.

To be clear, I'm still not logged out of the admin CP. If I backup and reload the page, I am still logged in.

URL to forum:
New installation

Admin CP > Configuration > Settings > General Configuration and check your cookie settings.

More details: HERE.

I think you must to have:

Cookie Domain:
Cookie Path:/

Later edit: Sorry... I understand now. You cannot change all this settings in ACP. Check your MYBB_ROOT/inc/settings.php file (via FTP) if you have the right settings for cookie.
Edit: delayed response

cookie path should be / only. you can follow this guidance
first modify cookie path setting in ./inc/settings.php file and then immediately log into admin panel,
navigate to General Configuration settings on the configuration page and put correct cookie path
(2013-11-17, 06:31 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]immediately log into admin panel,
I'm curious: why it's so important to login into admin panel immediately ???

L.E. I mean, if I change for example all cookie seetings in settings.php
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/";
$settings['cookieprefix'] = ""; 
all those settings are lost if I don't login into admin panel immediately ?
Sweet, .m. - that worked.

Thanks to both of you.

Sorry, it was the same old login issue everyone is complaining about after all. Anyways, it's fixed. Cheers!
@ jdruman, glad that you could fix it fast Smile
@ Flavius Popa, settings from admin panel are stored in the database and they are reflected in settings.php file
changes done in the settings file are for temporary fixing only. actual settings should be stored in the database.
(2013-11-17, 06:54 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]changes done in the settings file are for temporary fixing only

This have sense. Thanks for the clarification!