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Full Version: I am getting something extra on my urls
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I am getting
added onto my thread urls. I have no clue why. I have GoogleSEO installed but It was working after I installed it, does anyone know how to fix this?

Is it with every URL? If so, then check your .htaccess rewrite rules since you may have those characters placed in there (hence why it seems to be appending them to all URLs on your forums).
(2013-11-19, 11:38 PM)KnownSyntax Wrote: [ -> ]Is it with every URL? If so, then check your .htaccess rewrite rules since you may have those characters placed in there (hence why it seems to be appending them to all URLs on your forums).
For every thread its different, I have no clue what I did. :/
it is related to add this widget code. appears that you have enabled address bar tracking
you can change {"data_track_addressbar":true} to {"data_track_addressbar":false} in the code like below
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>
(more details)