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Full Version: Add user to another database
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I'm not sure where to post this but..

I want to add the user information they put when they are registering to another database; both MyBB Database and another database. I'm not sure how to do it, it will be great if you could go through step by step with me. I read some of the MyBB scripts but I cant find the add "user to database" scripts.


Registration code is present in member.php file (root) - you can add your code after:
$user_info = $userhandler->insert_user();

Or, which is rather better, you can use userhandler for this. It's inc/datahandlers.user.php file. Can add your code in:
function insert_user()
function update_user()
if you want the info to be updated in the other database too in case of edits.
Oh thanks! I will be testing this soon!Smile