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Full Version: Shifting help !
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I had a forum previously installed at which i wanted to move to
I followed instructions given here but things got messed up as i couldnt restore my old backup, as when I was restoring old DB with the dumper scrpit it said the database already contained the table named "mybb_adminlog". Now this is where i messed up, I deleted the old database, created a new one, and made the relevant changes in config.php, i restored the old backup into the new database but now when i access the forum at, i get SQL error.

Is there any way to start afresh with database and somehow be able to restore the OLD backup i had?

Thanks in advances.

Somebody please help me out !! Sad
What's the SQL error you're getting
(2013-11-21, 06:37 AM)siddharth Wrote: [ -> ]i restored the old backup into the new database but now when i access the forum at, i get SQL error.