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Full Version: How To Remove Some Postbit Buttons
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Is there a way of 'turning off' some of the postbit buttons at the bottom of each post? Or is the only way by removing the {} code from the postbit template?
Instead of removing the variable, just make a CSS style by display: none !important; to hide from postbit.

Would I put a div or span around the specific {} tags?
Either that or you can open specific button templates (for instance postbit_multiquote) and wrap the code with HTML comments. Like this:
<!--<a href="javascript:Thread.multiQuote({$post['pid']});" style="display: none;" id="multiquote_link_{$post['pid']}"><img src="{$theme['imglangdir']}/postbit_multiquote.gif" alt="{$lang->postbit_multiquote}" title="{$lang->postbit_multiquote}" id="multiquote_{$post['pid']}" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
	$('multiquote_link_{$post['pid']}').style.display = '';
So just add <!-- at beginning and --> at the end, making sure there aren't any other possible comment tags which can break it.