I really dont understand this,
Warning: main(/home/darksoul/public_html/forums/inc/db_.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/darksoul/public_html/forums/install/upgrade.php on line 24
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/home/darksoul/public_html/forums/inc/db_.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/darksoul/public_html/forums/install/upgrade.php on line 24
Can someone please tell me why I always have the problems?
Did you accidentally go to the install page and before realizing it wasn't the upgrader, you were already on the "Database details" page?
Tikitiki Wrote:Did you accidentally go to the install page and before realizing it wasn't the upgrader, you were already on the "Database details" page?
Not sure, All I know is I reinstalled the forums, had a backup ready, and the backup wont work.
well im off to go vent my anger, I already lost my dedicated server this christmas and had to go on a backup host, Although moneys not an issue, im pissed because I couldn't backup orange from it, and now im pissed because all im getting is mysql errors when trying to fix it.
Im going to upload the entire backup, and if It cant be fixed, im just going to get a portal website and new forum, mybb is awsome, but we were in the middle of customizing it when this happened - why cant it just auto download the update from the server and be done with it?
Not a good idea to post your MySQL backup on a public forum.
Well, unless its resolved, meh, Do you know how to fix it?
- I would really love to use my forums again...
sunrex Wrote:why cant it just auto download the update from the server and be done with it?
It's not as simple as that. Computers are not as smart as humans so if your updating a forum, if the file has modifications, then the patch would fail because it can't find that string to replace with the new one. Also we would need to deal with CHMOD permissions or ask for FTP details to use with a FTP class.
Your config.php, pm the contents on it to me, and tell me if you use mysql or mysqli.
I would really love to have my backup work, can anyone help me at all?