I am face This problem I can't access User Control Panel and Moderator control panel when ever i click on this i redirected to home page
but browser show destination URL but page appears home page Please help
try this
yourforumurl.com/modcp.php For mod cp
yourforum.com/usercp.php to access user cp
Replace yourforum with your forum url then /modcp or /usercp to go to those location
try going their direct
Hope it works for you
Oh and hello and welcome to mybb Official Forums I see you new here have fun here you can learn lots so please make sure you make use of the forums and post any question you like no question is silly
not working its always redirecting to my home page
Well I do not know then
How about going to your mybb install package and re upload the modcp and admincp
files to forum again and see if that works
if it does not work it could be your theme
hope it works for you
can some one help me or i have to re install mybb user control panel and modcp is not working
(2013-11-29, 08:15 AM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]check file permissions of usercp.php & modcp.php files - can be CHMOD 0644
Its already 0644
^ would you like to PM me temporary access to admin panel & ftp and change your credentials later
.m. I would LOVE for you to do this for me...I need HELP!
I am the admin at my forum but am locked out of everything & can't
figure out how to give myself permission. I did try a couple suggestions
to override the old admins password, but I keep getting the error message that the user
can't be found...
^ @ Ananda7, I understand that your forum issue has been resolved. if not send me a PM
@ sharegyaan, most probably you do not have to re-install the forum. PM me if direct help required.
yes, it has! I am in!!! thanks for checking.