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Full Version: How to add Adsense every couple posts?
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So currently I have it so that it shows an adsense ad in every thread's first post using a plugin called "PHP and Template Conditionals (2.0)" and using the following if statement:

<if $post['pid'] == $thread['firstpost'] then>

in the post bit template. I was wondering how I could change it so that it adds an ad in every x (for example: 5) posts instead?
<if $postcounter % 5 == 0 then>

Will add code after 5th, 10th, 15th etc. post.
Are you sure you have 2.0 version?
Download: tplcond-1.7.7z (5.58 KB)
Plugin Version: 1.7
Last Updated: 11-18-2012, 08:16 PM

Downloads: 1,418
MyBB Compatibility: 1.2.x, 1.4.x, 1.6.x
Plugin License: GPLv3
Uploader: ZiNgA BuRgA
Which one is better
They are almost the same, but PHP in Templates, as the name says, additionally allows usage of PHP. But it's slower than core edits or simplified conditionals/expressions.
I am using tplcond-1.7.7z do you think I should switch to phptpl-2.0.7z?
I only use simple conditionals and I don't want any plugin to affect my forum performance!!!
If you use only simple you can use both.. As I said, they are very similar, just PHP in Templates provides PHP and Templates Conditionals doesn't. So if you don't need PHP, you don't need to switch.
Thanks Destroy666 I only need conditionals not PHP thanks very much
some of my friends said, sometimes adsense will have crashes with adword under the subtle situation. It's that true?
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