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I Want to add additional security on my site. i have renamed my admin cp, changed the name of the config.php file and done lots more, but i want to rename mod.php, how can i do that
There isn't really a need to change mod.php, and I'm assuming since there is no easy configuration option that you'd need to edit a lot of core files just to make this work. The only reason AdminCP and ModCP defer in terms of accessing is the fact that a user would need to be logged in and have the correct system permissions. There is no way to brute force this unless they wanted to brute force a user account, in which the timer would stop them every xth attempt for a specific amount of time.

For the AdminCP this is different, they can keep on brute forcing an account and once it works they are into the whole system.
If you want, you can protect the file ./modcp.php with .htaccess