MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Auto Remove Posts That Are Not English?
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I want to do this cause I have no clue if people are spamming japanese posts or not, so I want to remove them...
If you mean posts containing non-ASCII characters, you need plugin which would contain something similar to this: during posthandler check. I don't think anything like that has been made, so you need to use Requests forum and wait for free/paid offers.
I can say you're having problems w/ bots
(2013-12-06, 04:02 PM)Aphelion Wrote: [ -> ]I can say you're having problems w/ bots
Either there bots, or they have not life and just spam my forum, it not alot of spam tho. Like 2 topics every day in the same forum :/
only 2 topics?
In our forum we had 5-6 pages of bot spam (topics) in flameboards. We had like 1k registrations in 1 week or so. I downloaded&activated plugins, downloaded recaptcha and I don't even have 1 bot to spam our forum except the old ones who registered and never posted.. tho, I locked flameboards with a password.. added the password in the description so now our members can access these boards w/ a password which you type only 1 time.

So I suggest you to at least lock the board and write the password in the description. Or, download the plugins.