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Full Version: Cant Upload Themes?
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It says this,
[Image: 6857e6f87cccf274704ddf76e95cabca.png]

Whenever I try to upload xml file to mybb ?

it works fine on my localhost, but in my site it doesn't work ?

Help me fast!
Are the contents of your .XML intact? Also have you checked anything on the upload theme page or have you left everything as-is?
May you provide us with the input you use in the theme import form?
It cant be the theme, as I tried to import over 6 themes to it... it still says that error, and if I try from url it wont take it... I need to add them manually :/ Yes I've done everything right, I think the problem now is on mybb ? If ya need the xml of the theme, its Devilos v2 .