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Full Version: Adding Favicon
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Hi Guys,

Sorry to bother you but i have a quick question, how can i add a favicon to my site, thank you in advance,


Jumpy Stuart
Goto adminCP->Templates-> yourDefaultThemes -> Header -> header
Place between the <head></head> tags.
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">

Just change favicon.png for the path of your desire favicon/image. and change the image/png type, if your favicon is not an png format. Like I did, I used .gif format then I changed it to image/gif.

You may place it in headerinclude template also ...
just a note: <head> and </head> tags might not exist in the header template.
in that case, add the favicon code in the headerinclude template (in ungrouped templates) as effone already suggested
By bad. Placing under <head> and </head> is general practice.
For MyBB, its headerinclude template.

Okay now?