In my smilies directory, 50+ smilies are placed.
Only 19-20 appears.
In you ACP/index.php?module=config-smilies
Check if the path to the image is correct and the image is on the server!!!
^ can we have your forum url and test user account
(2013-12-09, 06:06 PM)BigTimeRush Wrote: [ -> ]In my smilies directory, 50+ smilies are placed.
Only 19-20 appears.
Do you mean in the reply feature only 20 appear? Or in your ACP? If it's your reply feature. You click "get more" on the smile box and the rest show up. If they are missing in your ACP double check all the paths.
^ navigate to admin panel >> configuration >> smilies - do you have all the smilies listed there ?
if not click on Add Multiple Smilies tab and give the path to smilies folder then click on show smilies & add