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Full Version: slideshow in header theme
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I want to make myself a header slideshow in a sub menu themes. Slideshow I would like you copy a website but do not know exactly what to do.
Can someone help me?
Theme i want use is TheCure
The site where the slideshow is

[Image: wase0w.jpg]
There are some kind of plugins to do this, with jscript, css and jQuery or you can do it with your own code, but you have to put some changes and make no conflict with MyBB, so you can use whatever you want.

First at all you have to know where you wanna add this mod and find a way to include your code in the right place you need.

Finally only put your code, because you show an image but that image still can be made with snivo plugin or some plugin, i use one on my site, but not works at all, and have the same design you show and i got another one on portal and functions like a charm, but if you want to add this, like my forum i can help you, another way it's more difficult because i dont know what you need.
i use this code in header nut is not good. but deforms theme..if someone wants to help me I can offer data from my site to help me.

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                	        <li class="ui-tabs-nav-item ui-tabs-selected" id="nav-featured-0"><a href="#featured-0"><img src="" alt="" /><div class="ui-tabs-container"><span>S-a lansat membership-ul pe 2014</span></div></a></li> 
	        	        <li class="ui-tabs-nav-item " id="nav-featured-1"><a href="#featured-1"><img src="" alt="" /><div class="ui-tabs-container"><span>Inovatii majore in circuit, din 2014</span></div></a></li> 
	        	        <li class="ui-tabs-nav-item " id="nav-featured-2"><a href="#featured-2"><img src="" alt="" /><div class="ui-tabs-container"><span>Noutati despre Winter Series Stars</span></div></a></li> 
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				<h2><a href="" >S-a lansat membership-ul pe 2014</a></h2> 
	Vezi care cont ti se potriveste si activeaza-l!</p></p>
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			<img src="" alt="" width="614" height="284" /> 
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				<h2><a href="" >Inovatii majore in circuit, din 2014</a></h2> 
	Puncte valorice, un nou nivel de joc si&hellip; multe altele</p></p>
                                <p><a href="" class="info-detalii">Detalii</a><a href=""><img class="info-detalii-icon" src="" alt=""></a> </p>
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			<img src="" alt="" width="614" height="284" /> 
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				<h2><a href="" >Noutati despre Winter Series Stars</a></h2> 
	S-a stabilit graficul de joc</p></p>
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			<img src="" alt="" width="614" height="284" /> 
			 <div class="info" > 
				<h2><a href="" >Turnee de colectie, la final de an</a></h2> 
	In circuitul Tenis Partener - Winter Series</p></p>
                                <p><a href="" class="info-detalii">Detalii</a><a href=""><img class="info-detalii-icon" src="" alt=""></a> </p>
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		var fleg_match_recent=1;
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     if ($("div.sponsori_box"))
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                    // nb of sponsori

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[Image: 3011ono.jpg]