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Full Version: Add Skype?
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I wanna make it possible for members to add their Skype profile.

On the user profile it says "Contact Details", where you've ICQ, MSN etc.
However, these are so old. MSN is already out, and now Skype is what many on my forum is using.

I found this plugin:
However, it seems not to work for MyBB 1.6x
Also, I came across some site where they claimed this plugin may be risky to have as hackers can do attacks via the plugin somehow.

So, I just wonder how to change the whole contact details, because I mostly just wants the Skype to be there.

Note that it's not under "Additional information" or so that I want this, because I know that one.
But want it under the contact details.

Also would be great if it was shown up on registration field when users are registering. So they can type it in there.
Hi get rid of that plugin which makes your board vulnerable to hacks and please use Custom Profile Fields option that can be found in ACP>>Configuration>>Custom Profile Fields
(2013-12-17, 01:53 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi get rid of that plugin which makes your board vulnerable to hacks and please use Custom Profile Fields option that can be found in ACP>>Configuration>>Custom Profile Fields

But it's not the custom profile fields I want, it just shows up at the "Additional Info".
I wanna wipe off that MSN and ICQ and all on details instead, because lets face it, MSN even quitted. Nobody in the whole universe is even using it. It's stone dead.

I just need to know where in the codes this is, if it's in some template or so. And then I can delete all that old stuffs that aren't even online anymore.
MyBB shall make update and actually add great stuffs like Skype.
In Member Templates>>member_profile delete this code if you want to get rid of:

ICQ Number:
AIM Screen Name:
Yahoo ID:

Or change it to what ever you want. Consider changing member.lang.php file

<td class="{$bgcolors['icq']}"><strong>{$lang->icq_number}</strong></td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['icq']}">{$memprofile['icq']}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['aim']}"><strong>{$lang->aim_screenname}</strong></td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['aim']}"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('misc.php?action=imcenter&amp;imtype=aim&amp;uid={$uid}', 'imcenter', 450, 300);">{$memprofile['aim']}</a></td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['yahoo']}"><strong>{$lang->yahoo_id}</strong></td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['yahoo']}"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('misc.php?action=imcenter&amp;imtype=yahoo&amp;uid={$uid}', 'imcenter', 450, 300);">{$memprofile['yahoo']}</a></td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['msn']}"><strong>{$lang->msn}</strong></td>
<td class="{$bgcolors['msn']}"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('misc.php?action=imcenter&amp;imtype=msn&amp;uid={$uid}', 'imcenter', 450, 300);">{$memprofile['msn']}</a></td>
A better solution would be something like Matt Rogowski's Social Sites plugin. Unfortunately, Matt has closed his forum due to a lot of recent spam.

I would build on that plugin in two ways:
1. I would provide a GUI in the ACP to manage the list of social sites. Currently, the sites are read from a table populated during installation.
2. I would include a setting to allow guests to see the social sites. Allowing guests to see links to the various social sites could be considered a safety issue.