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Full Version: Annoying button not aligned..
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[Image: 80462_button.png]
It's the Thank you/Like System, where would I go to adjust this button?
admin panel >> templates >> Global Templates >> thankyoulike_button_add template & thankyoulike_button_del template
(2013-12-21, 08:53 AM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]admin panel >> templates >> Global Templates >> thankyoulike_button_add template & thankyoulike_button_del template
Hello, I tried editing it muself but completely failed Big Grin

Think you could give me a hand?

<span id="tyl_btn_{$post['pid']}"><a href="thankyoulike.php?action=add&amp;pid={$post['pid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}" onclick="return thankyoulike.add({$post['pid']}, {$post['tid']});" title="{$lang->add_tyl}" id="tyl_a{$post['pid']}"><img src="{$imgdir}/postbit_{$pre}_add.gif" border="0" alt="{$lang->add_tyl}" id="tyl_i{$post['pid']}" /></a></span>

<span id="tyl_btn_{$post['pid']}"><a href="thankyoulike.php?action=del&amp;pid={$post['pid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}" onclick="return thankyoulike.del({$post['pid']}, {$post['tid']});" title="{$lang->del_tyl}" id="tyl_a{$post['pid']}"><img src="{$imgdir}/postbit_{$pre}_del.gif" border="0" alt="{$lang->del_tyl}" id="tyl_i{$post['pid']}" /></a></span>
This may work:
<img src="{$imgdir}/postbit_{$pre}_add.gif" border="0" style="margin-top: 10px;" alt="{$lang->add_tyl}" id="tyl_i{$post['pid']}" />

Adjust the px value as required.
(2013-12-21, 01:21 PM)effone Wrote: [ -> ]This may work:
<img src="{$imgdir}/postbit_{$pre}_add.gif" border="0" style="margin-top: 10px;" alt="{$lang->add_tyl}" id="tyl_i{$post['pid']}" />

Adjust the px value as required.

Lol the button had no function, it was a replicated dead png

Are there any solutions for this?