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Full Version: "include your signature" always enabled
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I want to remove "Post Options" from reply page:

Quote:☐ Signature: include your signature. (registered users only)
☐ Disable Smilies: disable smilies from showing in this post.
I will just remove this <tr> in templates.

But I want every post to have signature enabled by default (like with first checkbox checked).
How can I do this?

remove -
<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="postoptions[signature]" value="1" tabindex="7"{$postoptionschecked['signature']} /> {$lang->options_sig}</label>
i think that the code save the tamplte
(2013-12-22, 06:50 AM)eduard Wrote: [ -> ]newthread>>newthread
remove -
If I just remove html code, then this checkbox will stay unchecked. But I want it to be checked by default.

I will try to check it with "checked" and make it invisible with css.
It's a bug that I have reported long time ago!