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how do i change the post layout to the left side? i know how to do it but when i do it this is how it turns out:
[Image: l1yCICa.png]

please help

Looks like postbit_classic template messed up.
Try reverting back to original.
can some one please help me?

btw i am using the theme "UNOVA"
Backup your postbit_classic template then reverse it to original just as @effone suggested above!!!
(2013-12-26, 04:37 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]Backup your postbit_classic template then reverse it to original just as @effone suggested above!!!

sorry i dont get it. can you explain it a bit more please?
Open your postbit_classic template copy all the code and paste into notepad then save that notepad file (this is a backup)

Now open Post Bit Templates next to postbit_classic click Options>>Revert to Original