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Full Version: Change permissions of this plug in?
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Solved this myself. Thanks.
Without the rest of the code or error logs it's impossible to know why you'd receive a white page. There must be some application logic which deals with checking if userstyle_usergroups has a value of all.
(2013-12-27, 12:54 AM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]Without the rest of the code or error logs it's impossible to know why you'd receive a white page. There must be some application logic which deals with checking if userstyle_usergroups has a value of all.

Figured it out. Thanks.
^ we are not supposed to wipe out earlier posted content (unless it is not secure)
instead we should edit & add the discovered solution
Quote:// add settings
$setting = array(
"sid" => NULL,
"name" => "userstyle_usergroups",
"title" => "Allowed Usergroups",
"description" => "Enter the IDs of the groups allowed to use this feature. (use \'all\' to allow everyone)",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => 'all',
"disporder" => 1,
"gid" => $gid

Is the code. It says to enter the IDs that I wish to allow. I tried entering them where it says "all" like it says but it creates a white page on my forum. What am I doing wrong?

// add settings
$setting = array(
"sid" => NULL,
"name" => "userstyle_usergroups",
"title" => "Allowed Usergroups",
"description" => "Enter the IDs of the groups allowed to use this feature. (use \'all\' to allow everyone)",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => '14, 4',
"disporder" => 1,
"gid" => $gid

^ Is how I had it when I changed it to allow those groups. Can anyone help?