Hi, everyone!
I'm using MyBB v1.6.9 and when my users -which have quotation mark (') on their nickname- comment a thread, nobody can access the thread again.
How can i solve this problem.
Firstly you should upgrade to the latest stable version of MyBB. Your forum is vulnerable and by the sounds of it the problem you're experiencing is due to a vulnerability too (most likely from a plugin).
What plugins do you have installed?
Can NewPoints plugin be caused this bug?
(2014-01-04, 02:44 PM)Emre Wrote: [ -> ]Not solved yet?!
Apparently not. Maybe you should answer Nathan's question first... I don't understand people like you, who wish their problem fixed, but don't cooperate at all.
So, again.
What plugins do you have installed? Show whole list.
Also provide the error which is shown to users or URL to thread. 'nobody can access' doesn't say anything.
EDIT: I won't even comment the below ridiculous post.. You'll be just the 1st person I'll add to my ignore list on this forum.
I have 20 plugins, and i told you which is suspected.
I dont understand people like you, who do not solve the problem, but do comment.
It gives a MySql Error about the " ' " on the nickname who posted the thread.
Quote:What plugins do you have installed?

-Auto Spider-Bot
-Advanced Quick Reply
-guests cant see messages
-ChangUonDyU Chat
-Default profile
-Fit on page
-Force Hrz/Vrt Postbit
-MyBB GoMobile
-Google SEO
-Mention Me
-Mybb NewPoints
-Ajax Overview
-Page Editor
-Admin PM Follow