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Full Version: how to change date format
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how to change the format into date


[Image: jlqc.png]

yesterday = date
today = date

I prefer the time format to a format like this post

[Image: pUU6XpO.png]

so there is no formatting

because the robot does not know the format such as the Big Grin
thanks in advance
Have you checked ACP>>Configuration>>Date and Time Formats
(2014-01-11, 01:16 PM)marcus123 Wrote: [ -> ]Have you checked ACP>>Configuration>>Date and Time Formats

That will not help for what the OP needs.

Open inc/functions.php
go to line 398 and find this code chunk:

		if($todaysdate == $date)
			$date = $lang->today;
		else if($yesterdaysdate == $date)
			$date = $lang->yesterday;

Remove / comment out (/* ..... */) the above chunk.

That should do the trick.
Well thanks buddy didn't know that I am sorry
Thanks Adv Big Grin

This is what I mean