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Full Version: Functions not working
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I can no longer rate users, the button just does nothing.

This has literally started happening.


So annoyed, I spent ages setting the forum up.
Please make sure that your code in Post Bit Templates >> postbit_rep_button looks like this one!!!!!!!

<a href="javascript:MyBB.reputation({$post['uid']},{$post['pid']});"><img src="{$theme['imglangdir']}/postbit_reputation.gif" alt="{$lang->postbit_reputation_add}" title="{$lang->postbit_reputation_add}" /></a>
May be its a javascript conflict?
You can also try to revert to default theme and check if the issue remains if it does then it has to be a plugin that interfering with mybb JavaScript
My jscripts folder randomly deleted itself, I believe it is sorted now.